
to 31 Dec


Though the media has slowed down around the war, the war itself is far from slowing down. Breathe Life International is focused on bringing the gospel and along with practical needs into war zones.

We currently have an evangelist friend on the ground in Ukraine who has been traveling to the front lines to preach the gospel, provide food and water, and evacuate people who are waiting to flee. A few weeks ago the unthinkable happened when the bulletproof van they had been using was bombed. Miraculously no one was injured even though they were under attack for more than an hour. Unfortunately, the van was destroyed in the attack and now our biggest need is for another bulletproof van. As you can imagine these vans are hard to come by and quite expensive.

All of our efforts are at a halt until we are able to purchase a new van. Right now is a crucial time in the war as we are entering into winter and most of Ukraine is without heat and electricity. We are needing to raise $50,000 for the cost of a new van and we ask you to prayerfully consider sowing into our mission in Ukraine.

Updated to add: A VAN HAS BEEN GIVEN! We are blown away and so thankful to the Lord. Please Keep Ukraine in your prayers and you feel to specifically sow into the gospel going forth in Ukraine, you can still do so below!

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Preaching on Project 173

Preaching on Project 173

Project 173 is a global online program, it's based on John 17:3 and has the purpose to take God's word to all nations, according to what God is doing and preparing for this time around the world. We believe that a great global awakening and revival like never seen before is coming.

Currently, They are broadcasting on 5 Facebook Live platforms, EDB Proyecto 173 from Mexico, H.O.D Radio World Network from Nigeria, Jesus Life TV from Malaysia, Adeel Patras from Pakistan and my personal account, which allows us to broadcast in more than 70 countries in all continents and there are more than 70,000 people around the world in these platforms, plus 35 public and private Facebook groups where are more than 1,500,000 people.

Tune in on March 11th at 9pm on

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NYC Evangelism Training

NYC Evangelism Training

Join us for a workshop on evangelism from

6:30PM-7:30PM at our

WeWork at 27 E. 28th St,

Room 2A on the 2nd Floor. and then come and join us

*afterwards at 8PM as we worship and share the Gospel at Times Square.

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