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Preaching on Project 173

Project 173 is a global online program, it's based on John 17:3 and has the purpose to take God's word to all nations, according to what God is doing and preparing for this time around the world. We believe that a great global awakening and revival like never seen before is coming.

Currently, They are broadcasting on 5 Facebook Live platforms, EDB Proyecto 173 from Mexico, H.O.D Radio World Network from Nigeria, Jesus Life TV from Malaysia, Adeel Patras from Pakistan and my personal account, which allows us to broadcast in more than 70 countries in all continents and there are more than 70,000 people around the world in these platforms, plus 35 public and private Facebook groups where are more than 1,500,000 people.

Tune in on March 11th at 9pm on

22 February

NYC Evangelism Training