Israel. 2022


When I packed my bags for Europe in June of 2022 I had no idea I would be going to Israel. 2 months into my time in Europe the Lord began to speak to me about Israel. At first, I resolved in my heart there would be no way It would be possible to make a trip to Isreal. Little did I know, the Lord had already worked out every detail.

There are so many testimonies that went into making this trip possible. I knew this was not going to be like anything I had done before. When the Lord asked me to go to Isreal He was very specific in telling me that this would be a time of prayer and consecration.

This being my first time in the Holy land, I really didn’t know what to expect. Funny enough the date the Lord gave me to go was Oct. 2nd-16th, which is during Yum Kippur and the feast of tabernacles. When I learned this, It immediately set me on a path of diving into what these feasts were about. I have to say, If you have never studied the biblical feasts, I highly encourage you to do so, they are so rich!!

Even just being in the land Jesus lived was profound to me. I think everyone remembers their first time in Israel.

I could share so much but one thing I really want to share is the longing I felt in my heart for God for His people. I could feel His heart grieved and beckoning. We are living in a day in age where the return of Jesus is coming quickly. There no more time for mixture or having one foot in and one foot out. Jesus is so worthy of absolutely everything.


London 2022


Germany 2022