Germany 2022

When I launched out to Germany, I really didn’t know what to expect, or really why I was going. All I had was a word of the Lord to go. I bought a one-way ticket to Germany unsure of when I would return and I embarked on what turned into a four-month journey across Europe.

Before I left I could not of even imagined what the Lord would awaken in me, while in Europe. When I arrived in Germany I immediately jumped into helping prepare for a crusade a friend was hosting. I took part in the outreaches leading up to the event and in the back of my mind I had this saying; perhaps you have heard it too. it was: “Europe is hard ground”. I had heard this so many times, I didn’t even realize this was even in my heart until the Holy Spirit showed me, After I left Germany.

You see, I experienced the complete opposite of that saying. Let me explain. During our one-to-one evangelism time, we saw 1,002 people repent and make a decision to follow Christ. Crazy right? This isn’t about numbers here, that’s not why I’m sharing. I’m Sharing to show you how hungry and desperate people are for the full gospel. The Bible doesn’t lie when it tells us the harvest is ripe.

Leading up to the gospel crusade my friend followed the way we do crusades in Africa to a T. The Planning, the prep, the marketing, the flow of the meeting itself, everything. People questioned if this style of gospel event would work in Germany. To be honest, even I questioned if it would work. But after night one, there was no more question in my mind.

Each night, hundreds of people came to the field. The gospel was preached, and Hundreds responded to the altar call, It was incredible! The gospel works! In every nation, in every culture, it is and will always be the power of God unto salvation! After the Altar call was the prayer for the sick. Everyone on the field with ailments, diseases, and pain, made their way to the front of the stage. Now what happened next, was truly miraculous. Let me preface by saying In Africa, we see so many miracles, people getting out of wheelchairs, deaf ears opening, and blind eyes opening; It is really special how the Lord has moved while in Africa. But in Europe? Let’s just say their was plenty on the field who really didn’t have the faith to believe miracles could happen in Germany.

But, as the sick were being prayed for, faith and expectancy began to rise. Those who were praying for a healing were told to test out their healing. As they did Many noticed they had been completely healed! Knee pain, gone. back pain, gone. Deaf ears, OPENED. Blind eyes, OPENED. What a Miraculous sight!

On the second night, deliverance broke out and hundreds of people burned witch craft in barrels! Again we do this is Africa, but Germany?! SOOO many people were set free that by the blood of Jesus. It was truly amazing to be apart of it.

God showed me, and many others, that this is a new era for Europe. Things that may not of worked in the past, are what He is breathing on right now because we are truly living in the last days. The Lord awakened my heart to Europe, and little did I know this was just the beginning of that He was going to do during the 4 months.


Israel. 2022